• well known shareware DOOM Game

    From Internetking@GAMENET/INETK to all on Wed Aug 29 23:31:44 2018
    you all hear its back... this time re-mastered for xbox... it is in xbox store for xbox 1... its free with game pass or 19.99 without pass or want to own it.

    þ Synchronet þ Internetking BBS - inetk.synchro.net
  • From Al@GAMENET/TRMB to Internetking on Thu Aug 30 04:43:46 2018
    Re: well known shareware DOOM Game
    By: Internetking to all on Thu Aug 30 2018 06:31 am

    you all hear its back... this time re-mastered for xbox... it is in xbox store for xbox 1... its free with game pass or 19.99 without pass or want to own it.

    I don't have an xbox, or any other gaming console. I do have all the doom goodies on my PC though.

    I still like to play doom and doom 2 from time to time. I use prboom-plus on linux to play those games.

    The freedoom maps are good to..


    Ttyl :-),

    ... As a computer, I find your faith in technology amusing.

    þ Synchronet þ The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada