• weednet is cool

    From Lb@WEEDNET/IMZADI to All on Sat Nov 25 16:35:39 2023
    just recently got into bbs's, had a old macintosh plus that i didn't really know how to use but figured it out with a little research, thats what im using to access this bbs. I like reefer and old computer, this is both, this is good, this is great. Anyone else out there?
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Halls of Valhalla -:- hovalbbs.com:2333 (420:1/7)
    þ Synchronet þ Imzadi Box -*- box.imzadi.de
  • From Phigan@WEEDNET/TACOPRON to Lb on Sun Nov 26 13:35:33 2023
    Re: weednet is cool
    By: Lb to All on Sat Nov 25 2023 04:35 pm

    just recently got into bbs's, had a old macintosh plus that i didn't really know how to use but figured it out with a little research, thats what im usi

    Awesome! What program(s) are you using on that? System 6, I assume? Z-Term or some other terminal? Or did you set up MacTCP?

    to access this bbs. I like reefer and old computer, this is both, this is go this is great. Anyone else out there?

    Word to that.

    - phigan / bang_sXe

    þ Synchronet þ TIRED of waiting 2 hours for a taco? GO TO TACOPRONTO.bbs.io
  • From 2stoned@WEEDNET/IMZADI to Lb on Sun Nov 26 20:08:33 2023
    Oh yea.. a few of us stoners inhabit these boards. ;)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/01/28 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org:23 ssh:1337 (420:1/6)
    þ Synchronet þ Imzadi Box -*- box.imzadi.de
  • From Lb@WEEDNET/IMZADI to Phigan on Sun Nov 26 23:05:15 2023
    Re: weednet is cool
    By: Phigan to Lb on Sun Nov 26 2023 01:35 pm

    I am running system 7.1.1, I have a BlueSCSI hard drive/ethernet adaptor so through that it connects up to wifi as soon as i start the computer, Im connecting to this via NCSA telnet 2.7.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Halls of Valhalla -:- hovalbbs.com:2333 (420:1/7)
    þ Synchronet þ Imzadi Box -*- box.imzadi.de
  • From Roon@WEEDNET/IMZADI to Lb on Mon Nov 27 13:52:29 2023
    Hello Lb,

    25 Nov 23 16:35, you wrote to All:

    just recently got into bbs's, had a old macintosh plus that i didn't
    really know how to use but figured it out with a little research,
    thats what im using to access this bbs. I like reefer and old
    computer, this is both, this is good, this is great. Anyone else out

    welcome here! i think most of us - bbs users & sysops - use old computers regurarly :)


    telnet://bbs.roonsbbs.hu:1212 <<=-

    ... Uptime: 7d 2h 22m 14s
    --- GoldED/2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (420:2/3)
    þ Synchronet þ Imzadi Box -*- box.imzadi.de
  • From Phigan@WEEDNET/TACOPRON to Lb on Tue Nov 28 15:13:25 2023
    Re: weednet is cool
    By: Lb to Phigan on Sun Nov 26 2023 11:05 pm

    I am running system 7.1.1, I have a
    BlueSCSI hard drive/ethernet adaptor
    through that it connects up to wifi
    soon as i start the computer, Im
    connecting to this via NCSA telnet 2

    Very cool. I have an SE but I'm keeping
    it back on 6.0.8. Also using NCSA
    telnet mostly. It's got a RaSCSI in it
    right now. When the BlueSCSI first came
    out, I ordered one of those, but mine
    has just a regular Pi Pico and not the
    Pico W, so I can't do the network
    interface emulation with that one.

    What all do you like to do with it
    besides BBSing?

    þ Synchronet þ TIRED of waiting 2 hours for a taco? GO TO TACOPRONTO.bbs.io
  • From Lb@WEEDNET/IMZADI to Phigan on Tue Nov 28 17:42:12 2023
    Re: weednet is cool
    By: Phigan to Lb on Tue Nov 28 2023 03:13 pm

    I have Macweb set up on it so i do a little web browsing here n there. I don't have much of a specific use for it, although I use the crap outta it lol. I have an Imagewriter II for it so I type alot of documents with it. Besides that just play games...

    Despite the simplicity of it I get so much joy outta this little mac!

    I had actually bought it years ago from a Goodwill auction, paid $80 and it was in immaculate shape with the original carry bag, manuals cables mouse and keyboard, I took it all apart and retrobrighted everything, though it really didn't need it. A while later I found the Imagewriter for pretty cheap too, that I had also retrobrighted and cleaned out.

    It just kinda sat for a couple years after that,I could never find a SCSI/Ethernet adaptor like the old Asante one, so when I found out about the BlueSCSI I ordered one, and then I found out it has wifi with a pico w! Couldn't be happier with the performance that the BlueSCSI give this old computer, just switch it on and it automatically connects right up to my wifi. Makes using this suprisingly convient.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Halls of Valhalla -:- hovalbbs.com:2333 (420:1/7)
    þ Synchronet þ Imzadi Box -*- box.imzadi.de
  • From acn@WEEDNET/IMZADI to Lb on Thu Nov 30 14:51:00 2023
    Am 25.11.23 schrieb Lb@420:1/7 in WEED_GENERAL:

    Hallo Lb,

    just recently got into bbs's, had a old macintosh plus that i
    didn't really know how to use but figured it out with a little
    research, thats what im using to access this bbs. I like reefer and
    old computer, this is both, this is good, this is great. Anyone
    else out there?

    Welcome to WeedNet! :)
    I also really like old computers, but don't find the right amount of
    time to really use them...

    I have some C64s, C128s and an Amiga 1200. Only the Amiga is ready to
    operate at the moment.
    Ah, and I also have two kit computers, one RC2014 (in a self
    constructed wood case) and one SC126 (in a self-created 3d printed
    case), both use CP/M 3 and have wifi modems :)


    --- OpenXP 5.0.57
    * Origin: Imzadi Box -*- WeedNet FTN hub (420:2/1.1)
    þ Synchronet þ Imzadi Box -*- box.imzadi.de
  • From Lb@WEEDNET/IMZADI to acn on Thu Nov 30 19:21:20 2023
    Re: Re: weednet is cool
    By: acn to Lb on Thu Nov 30 2023 02:51 pm

    Thats awesome! I'd love to get more older computers, maybe a Commodore next... This Mac I got has taught me so much about computers, I really had zero experince as of maybe 9 monthes with computer networking or any of that, just researched it and learned so much. My main hobby has always been classic cars, my daily driver of 5 years now is a 1964 Dodge D100 Sweptline. There has always been a undefeated desire for me to utilize obsolete technology and incoperate it into my daily life, gives you a lot of respect for the engineering and refinement so many people dedicated their lives for to get to where we are now with our current day tech.

    Using this stuff to me is my little part to conserve these machines of yesteryear and pay respect to all the innovators, designers and engineers.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Halls of Valhalla -:- hovalbbs.com:2333 (420:1/7)
    þ Synchronet þ Imzadi Box -*- box.imzadi.de
  • From acn@WEEDNET/IMZADI to Lb on Sat Dec 9 11:51:00 2023
    Am 30.11.23 schrieb Lb@420:1/7 in WEED_GENERAL:

    Hallo Lb,

    Thats awesome! I'd love to get more older computers, maybe a Commodore next...

    :) I grew up with Commodore computers, I had a C64 and an old CBM 8296
    (that I bought from my school as they threw the CBMs out) as my first computers.

    My main hobby has always been classic cars, my daily driver of 5
    years now is a 1964 Dodge D100 Sweptline.

    Oh, also a nice hobby, that can also get quite expensive (just like
    some parts of retrocomputing also these days).
    I had a Citroen 2CV from ~2014 to 2017, as we moved to Karlsruhe, I
    didn't have much time for the car anymore so I sold it.
    But I really liked the car, it was so basic but you really could learn
    how to drive a car and how it works with it.
    It also was our wedding car in 2015, is it was white :)

    There has always been a undefeated desire for me to utilize
    obsolete technology and incoperate it into my daily life, gives you a lot
    of respect for the engineering and refinement so many people dedicated
    their lives for to get to where we are now with our current day tech.


    Using this stuff to me is my little part to conserve these machines of yesteryear and pay respect to all the innovators, designers and engineers.

    I try to do this as well and also try to tell everyone about how
    things have been in the past :)

    Have a nice weekend

    --- OpenXP 5.0.57
    * Origin: Imzadi Box -*- WeedNet FTN hub (420:2/1.1)
    þ Synchronet þ Imzadi Box -*- box.imzadi.de
  • From Roon@WEEDNET/IMZADI to Lb on Mon Dec 11 21:56:09 2023
    Hello Lb,

    30 Nov 23 19:21, you wrote to acn:

    Thats awesome! I'd love to get more older computers, maybe a Commodore next... This Mac I got has taught me so much about computers, I really
    had zero experince as of maybe 9 monthes with computer networking or
    any of that, just researched it and learned so much. My main hobby has always been classic cars, my daily driver of 5 years now is a 1964
    Dodge D100 Sweptline. There has always been a undefeated desire for me
    to utilize obsolete technology and incoperate it into my daily life,
    gives you a lot of respect for the engineering and refinement so many people dedicated their lives for to get to where we are now with our current day tech.

    ah cars.. i still have a mazda rx-8... :)

    Using this stuff to me is my little part to conserve these machines of yesteryear and pay respect to all the innovators, designers and



    telnet://bbs.roonsbbs.hu:1212 <<=-

    ... Uptime: 10d 5h 59m 28s
    --- GoldED/2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (420:2/3)
    þ Synchronet þ Imzadi Box -*- box.imzadi.de